Use Of The Car Park Use Of The Car Park

Notices Use of the Car Park

Posted: Sunday 9th May '21

Use of the Car Park

At the request of the Parish Council the Management Committee of the Village Hall has decided to introduce a scheme to enable residents of the Parish to park vehicles at the Village Hall, in the hope that this will address some of the issues raised by the on-street parking situation in Frithelstock Stone.

A limited number of permits will be available to park in the rear (ie. North) car park at the Hall for a small fee of £10 per calendar month paid quarterly in advance. 

Participants should satisfy themselves as to the suitability before committing to taking out a Permit.

On one or two days a year when the Hall is booked for a large function, such as a wedding, the parking spaces might be required to be vacated but notice will be given well in advance. 

The scheme will run initially for 12 months to see whether it is functioning appropriately. 

If you are interested in this opportunity and wish to see the full terms of the permit agreement please contact Adrian Green, Chairperson of the Village Hall Management Committee by ‘phoning 623115 (leave a message and your number on the answer machine and you will be called back.) or emailing or contacting a member of the Frithelstock Village Hall Management Committee.

Key contacts

All the contact details have been given for the local clubs and groups, but please do contact us if you have any questions about what you’ve seen on this website.
Church : Sidney Adams 01805 622300
Village hall booking secretary: Michael Short 01805 623359
Playing field : Liz Hunkin  01805 623734
W.I. : Maureen Poole  01805 622834

Parish Clerk


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